Im lying in the grass, taking a nap.
Im awakened by a bunch of people suddenly walking around me. They all look like students. Two girls dressed in their school uniforms plop down next to me and they begin asking me questions about where
Im from and such. They think
Im a new student. In the midst of our conversation, a ginger jock (he's wearing a
lettermans jacket) starts an altercation with me (about what I cant remember). Some kind of way he figures out that
Im not from their planet and the next thing you know,
Im being chased
thru the halls of the school by security.
A young Black officer is talking to his very young daughter, telling her that she needs to stay in the room while he goes out to catch the bad guy (the little girl is about 1 or 2 and I have no clue why he would bring his kid to work but then again its a dream and its not supposed to fully make sense). I ran past him as he was talking to her and then he started to leave but the little girl ran after him. At this point nobody else was chasing me so I stopped. I said something to him like "take her and run." I had the feeling that he
didnt know I was the "suspect" he was supposed to be chasing (i can read minds too since
im an alien). He looked at me in earnest and then I took off. So
Im back to being chased
thru the halls by the rest of the security.
I ran
thru a door and ended up in an Olympic sized pool, wading
thru the water from one side to the next with security still on my tail. They surround me along with a guy who had been swimming in the pool. As they close in on me, the Black guy is behind me and the swimmer is in from of me. I look over my shoulder to the Black guy who's looking at me, wondering what
Im doing and why
Im the one being chased. I gave him a look like "
im sorry," turned to the swimmer and did a Street Fighter
HADOUKEN like thrust with my arms into the guys chest. My hands and his chest glowed blue, he flew back about 3 feet, and then disappeared, all in the span of a second. This opened up a gap in the circle and I bolted.
I made my way of out the school and I
dont remember what happened after that but the next thing I remember is being outside on the balcony of the Black man's apartment. The little girl knew I was there and told the guy, who opened the French doors. The little girl is happy to see me and she
doesnt speak but we communicate without words. She giggles. The guy asks if I understand her and I say yes, explaining to him that she knows
Im not human even though I look it. I then begin telling him about me.
If you've ever seen a movie called
Pandorum, my dream is somewhat like a sequel to it. In the movie
Pandorum, the future Earth has grown overpopulated and humanity has fought over the last natural resources. A ship was sent out to colonize an Earth-like planet called
Tanis, just before the Earth was destroyed, leaving all the passengers on the ship as whats left of the human race. Well in this dream,
Im on the planet
Tanis and its been thousands of years later and much progress has been achieved to make
Tanis like Earth. I was an alien from another planet that took the human form when I came to
Tanis. My species knew about the human race destroying Earth and colonizing
Tanis. We also knew that they were on the road to doing the same thing all over again. I was sent to stop them from destroying this new planet. When I first arrived on the planet, I met a man who had a vision that if things were to keep on their current course,
Tanis would be destroyed the same as Earth.
If you've ever seen the TV series on USA called
The 4400 (pronounced "the forty-four hundred"), the mission of the people is the same as my mission. In the show, what was originally thought to be a comet deposits a group of exactly 4400 people on a beach in the foothills of a mountain. Each of the 4400 had disappeared at various times starting from 1946 in a beam of white light. None of them had aged and they remember nothing between the time of their disappearance and their return. The 4400 were abducted not by aliens, but by humans from the Earth's future and they were returned to avert a global catastrophe. Each of the 4400 were to play a specific part in helping to shape the future. In my dream, my job was to come to Earth and help make certain situations happen or not happen to avert this new catastrophe. All of this was explained to the guy very simply and quickly, and he agreed to help me.
The next thing I remember, I was back at the gym at the school. There were lots of people gathered around the pool and outside the gym. The wall between the pool and the school hallway was made of glass windows and had concrete bleacher seats behind it for people to watch events. There was one swimmer standing at the edge of the pool warming up. I made my way
thru the crowd along the window. A random man grabbed my arm and said something rude to me. I flashed my alien eyes at him and walked away, leaving him sitting there horrified.
When I entered the pool area, a referee spotted me and alerted security, saying I was the one who killed the first swimmer guy. I said, "no I
didnt. That's him right there," pointing at the swimmer. They looked at the swimmer and it was indeed the first guy. I said, "I
didnt kill him, I merely sent him away and brought him back." The guy said, "I want to race her." The ref asked, "why would you want to do that when you know she's an alien and she can beat you." The guy said, "when she touched me, she changed me.
Im stronger. I think I can beat her." An older man along the sidelines asked, "What did you do to him?" I then began telling them the same story I told the Black guy. When I mentioned the man I met when I first came to this planet, another random guy yells out "that quack job." I say, "you
dont have to believe me but if what he said turns out to be true and you destroy this planet as well, the other planets will not allow you to leave and colonize again." While
Im speaking, I prepare to get in the pool to race against the swimmer I changed.
And then I woke up.