Saturday, December 27, 2014
Killer Within Book Review
Saturday, October 25, 2014
October Loot Crate
Friday, August 29, 2014
LA Girl Glazed Lip Paint
I've been wanting to try the Too Faced Melted lippies but that's way out of my price range. While searching for them, I found these. Almost dupes but slightly different. LA Girl Glazed Lip Paint is liquid lipstick in a lip gloss applicator/package. There are 18 colors in the collection so far. These are awesome. Rich, opaque color that feels weightless and has a minty scent. A little goes a long way. This color is called Coy. It's a soft lavender. It shows lighter on me than I expected but I still like it. I have not found these in any stores near me yet. I purchased it from eBay. I will be buying some of the other shades soon.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
July Lip Monthly Box
This is my first, last, and only box from Lip Monthly. And since I only paid $5, its not bad but not worth it to me.
The company just launched this year and has a loooooooooong way to go. I signed up just only price alone. But once I actually researched them, I cancelled. I will say that they responded to my emails in a timely matter, and the box arrived on time, intact, everything included. But I've heard nothing but bad and worse about them. If they can get it together, I may consider resubbing for the $5 deal.
My disappointment lies with the color selection but at $5, you get what you pay for. So far, they just send you a bunch of random products but next month, they'll start have themed boxes.
The packaging was wasteful, in my opinion. The actual box can only hold 2 items. The box was shipped in a bubble envelope. The rest of the products came in the bubble envelope. Why have the box at all?
Im just not impressed.
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Ramadan Mubarak vs Ramadan Kareem
For years growing up, during the month of Ramadan, Muslims would greet each other with As Salaam Alaikum and Ramadan Mubarak. The response would be Walaikum as Salaam and Ramadan Kareem. Some years back when Imam W.D. Mohammed was still alive, he gave a talk about the difference between the two. I did not hear it firsthand but I think it was brought up during a Jumah khutbah, and my dad (who did hear it firsthand) relayed it to me. According to my dad, the Imam said that he did some extensive research on the life and practices of Prophet Muhammad PBUH and his companions, and while there was plenty of evidence of use of Ramadan Mubarak, he could find absolutely nothing on the use of the phrase Ramadan Kareem. The Imam concluded that maybe the Arabs, who did not have the same respect for other (western) Muslims, came up with the phrase to address them. Amongst themselves, they greet each other with Ramadan Mubarak, but to other foreigners, their greeting would be Ramadan Kareem. Though several older Muslims bear witness to hearing the Imam explain it, nobody can pinpoint which lecture/speech he said it in. I would like to hear it for myself, so Inshallah someone will find it. Google didnt help much either since many of the Imams lectures arent indexed for searching. I did find the following explanation that is somewhat kinda sorta along the same lines.
Since the Imam told us to stop using Ramadan Kareem, I've seen it used less but still see it used by some. Im not here to tell anyone how to be a Muslim or what is right or wrong in their actions. I wanted to know this information for myself and share with anyone who is interested.
Saturday, May 31, 2014
May Graze Box
This is my first time trying Graze. I heard a lot of good things about them. It's a snack box subscription. For $6 a box, you get 4 random healthy snacks from their collection of about 90 items. You can view their entire collection and rate the items to narrow the margin of choices for your box.
"Our boxes are filled with delicious and nutritious food. From nuts, seeds, dried fruits, tasty crackers, dips to some well-deserved treats, every Graze snack has a healthy benefit."
My box included:
sweet mustard ranch
mustard breadsticks, sour cream and onion cashews and poppyseed pretzels
These were ok, not bad. I only disappointed that the cashews tasted like regular cashews. I could hardly taste the seasoning but they were still good.
key lime pie
lime infused raisins, sponge pieces, mini meringues and green raisins
I really liked this one even though I'm not a fan of raisins. This has maybe converted me. It's so good.
summer berry flapjack
rustic rolled oat flapjack with berry-infused cranberries
I let my dad try this one and he liked it
jalapeno fiesta
jalapeno peanuts, roasted sunflower seeds, salsa almonds and roasted pumpkin seeds
This was good too. Not super spicy but a lil kick. The almonds were very flavorful. They were the standout in this mix.
Overall I loved my box. This is definitely a keeper. These really came in handy before my workout. I can't wait to see what comes in the next box.
If you want to try Graze, click here to get your 1st and 5th box free, and with that subscription a $1 donation to the Graze School of Farming.
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Mary Kay Influenster VoxBox #MKGlam

I Have Super Powers
The strangest thing just happened. My sinuses were aching a lil and the pain was only around one eye. I put the palm of my hand to my eye for a few seconds, trying to relax and breathe slowly. When I took my hand away, my palm was very warm, which it was not before, and my face no longer hurt. I'm sitting here looking at my hand and feeling its warmth and feeling nothing on my face. So weird...